Wednesday, February 18, 2009


From blogger

Each bill of United States Currency weighs one gram... Let’s say we had a pile of one dollar bills….787 billion of them- same as the Stimulus Package. How much would that cash weigh?

86,759 TONS

That’s more than an Iowa class battleship.

Or put another way, according to Senator Lamar Alexander, (much better at numbers than me), if you spent a million dollars a week, starting the day Jesus Christ was born. You would still have money left over. And you could spend it on a new calculator because the old one just died of shock.

Actually, to correct my former Governor, if you spent EIGHT million dollars a week for 2009 years, you'd be around $8.35 billion. And we're not counting the interest on this debt that will most certainly send this bill's cost over a trillion dollars.

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